

Tsumoto shiki series

Multi-functional Scissors with Measurement Marker

Multi-functional scissors can use to cut fish, make fish brain dead, remove fish scale, take off internal organs of fish, etc. And, using the marker on the body, can measure the fish size.

Released Multi-functional Scissors for fishing collaborated with Tsumoto method!

  • Can be disassembled and washed.
  • Using the measurement marker on the body, can measure the fish size with mobile phone.
  • Fluorine processing that does not rust easily.
型番 価格 JAN code
YQ-880 Open price 4571383193277
Dimensions Approx. 185×60×22mm
Weight Approx. 190g
Max. Measurement Size Approx. 50cm
Accessories Cover x 1, Spare Spring x 1



Multi-functional Scissors with Measurement Marker

【Making Fish Brain Dead】To make fish brain dead is very important not to decline fish taste component by fish moving. The pointed tool is built in the multi-functional scissors. Grasping the fish brain position, should make the fish brain dead securely using the pointed tool. As the opened hole also serves as an exit for extracting nerves, the making fish brain dead is required.

Multi-functional Scissors with Measurement Marker

【Fish Gills Cutting】It is an important step to cut the kidney above the gill membrane and below the spine, and cut the artery. The trick is not to make the hole too big, as water is passed through the hole in the gill membrane to drain the blood.

Multi-functional Scissors with Measurement Marker

【Fish Tail Cutting】To cut the fish tail is to expose the neural and arterial orifices above and below the spinal column. It is a hole for removing blood and nerves, and it is a way out of water by removing blood.

Multi-functional Scissors with Measurement Marker

【Fish Scale Removing】With the blade closed, apply a curve along the fish and take the scales cleanly without scattering. It is preferable not to remove the scales when aging one whole fish.



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フリーダイヤル : 0120-810-575


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