About Hapyson

“Hapyson” is the brand of fishing tackle business which was taken over from Panasonic Group in April 2011.
Since that, “Hapyson” has been mainly used to develop, manufacture and sell the fishing tackles goods which used battery.

Bicycle lamps business ( as bicycle parts) was also taken over from Panasonic Group in June 2021,
the brand of these products was changed from ‘Panasonic’ to ‘Hapyson’ too.
In the future, we will continue to persevere the technical know-how, quality and design trained in Panasonic company, and devote ourselves to the goods development more than before, and continue to create pleasant goods.

Looking forward your patronage



TEL : +86-512-66211858

【本社】〒270-2214 千葉県松戸市松飛台254番地
【大阪事業部】〒571-0045 大阪府門真市殿島町1-3

2023 Hapyson Catalog
2023 Hapyson Catalog